☐ Do your labs and doctors say you're "fine," but you still feel terrible?
☐ Have your hormones gone rogue?
☐ Are you tired of dieting? Have you tried everything and nothing seems to work?
☐ Do you feel like there's something going on with your health but you can't nail it?
☐ Have you had bariatric surgery but haven't gotten the results you wanted or have experienced many unexpected symptoms?
20,000+ patient experience has taught us that significant results require having a clear goal and constant support. Traditional consultations, without a system of goals and immediate support, resemble more of a 'conversation' than a thorough care process.
Your three-month program includes:
- initial consultation
- three follow-up consultations
- comprehensive assessment of hormones and metabolism
- labwork assessment
- personalized functional nutrition plan*.
- unlimited access to real-time coaching through our app: we support you wherever you are!
You will learn to eat well for what YOUR BODY NEEDS, without being on a diet or experiencing hunger. You won't count calories, equivalents, or portions either.
We are going to repair cellular function with specialized nutrition, and you will enjoy the changes IMMEDIATELY!
*Instead of merely treating symptoms, functional nutrition is a methodology that identifies and addresses the root of health disorders by optimizing cellular functions with specific foods that promote overall health.
NOTE: During this process, it may be necessary to reduce the dosage or discontinue taking some medications. You will need to be in contact with your PCP to make the necessary adjustments.

This program is for you if you have...
Metabolic conditions:
☐ Pre-diabetes / Type 2 Diabetes
☐ High blood pressure
☐ Fatty liver
☐ High cholesterol and/or triglycerides
☐ Obesity surgery
Hormonal imbalance:
☐ Menopausal symptoms
☐ PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome))
☐ Endometriosis
☐ Thyroid disease
☐ Premenstrual syndrome
☐ Irregular menstrual cycle
☐ Pregnancy / Infertility
Digestive disorders:
☐ Chronic constipation
☐ Inflammation
☐ Irritable bowel syndrome
☐ Colitis
☐ Gastritis
☐ Acid reflux
☐ Malabsorption issues
Bariatric surgery
Other conditions, such as:
☐ Anxiety or depression
☐ Autoimmune disease / cancer
☐ Fibromyalgia / chronic fatigue
The cost of the program is 5,950 Mexican pesos (approx. 327 USD). It is charged in your local currency at the exchange rate of the day..
Once the payment is made, we will schedule your consultations. We recommend booking your spot in advance. The approximate waiting time is one month from receiving your payment.
All consultations are online.
We assist patients anywhere in the world. Adults only.
English / Español .
It does not include lab work, supplements, or food. These will be advised for you to obtain in your local area.
** Appointments with Lucía subject to availability. **

5,950 MXN